Immagine profilo del docente


Numero Anno Dettagli pubblicazione
1 2024 Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio)
CARATÙ, MYRIAM, (2024) Metaverso, storytelling e neuroscienze: tecnologie per l’educazione: Scheda 60 ISBN: 978-88-498-8121-9, 36mo Rapporto Italia Eurispes, da pag. 873 a pag. 882. Rubbettino Editore, Soveria Mannelli
2 2023 Articolo in rivista
CARATÙ, M., VIGNALI, G., CHANG, Y., RYDING, D. (2023) The Impact of the Fashion blogosphere on Gen-Z female consumers, and the implications for improved communication approaches, Int. J. Technology Transfer and Commercialisation. Vol. 20, No. 3, 2023; pp. 269-313.
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3 2023 Articolo in rivista
MYRIAM CARATÙ, ILARIA PIGLIAUTILE, CRISTINA PISELLI, CLAUDIA FABIANI, (2023) A perspective on managing cities and citizens' well-being through smart sensing data, Environmental Science & Policy, Volume 147; 169-176; Elsevier
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4 2023 Articolo in rivista
MYRIAM CARATÙ (2023) Produzione e fruizione dell’audiovisivo in Italia: tra tradizione e innovazione. ISBN: DOI: 10.1431/108716, "Micro & Macro Marketing, Rivista quadrimestrale" 3/2023, pp. 585-600
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5 2023 Articolo in rivista
CARATÙ, M., SORRENTINO, A., CHERUBINO, P., MANCINI, M. (2023) Monitoring consumer responses to online advertising via neuro-marketing techniques: an exploratory study, European Journal of volunteering and community-based projects, Vol 1, N.1 2023
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6 2023 Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio)
MEERA DULABH, DELIA VAZQUEZ, DANIELLA RYDING, ALEX CASSON, MYRIAM CARATÙ, (2023) The Impact of Virtual Interactivity on Shopper Behaviour ISBN: 978-3-031-33301-9, in Brandstrup, M.; Dana, L.P.; Ryding, D.; Vignali, G.; Caratù,M.; (2023) “The Garment Economy - Understanding History, Developing Business Models, and Leveraging Digital Technologies”, pp- 1-626. Book series “Springer Texts in Business and Economics - ISSN 2192-4333ISSN 2192-4341 (electronic)” Springer Nature Switzerland AG, ISBN 978-3-031-33301-9ISBN 978-3-031-33302-6 (eBook)
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7 2023 Curatela
EDS MICHELLE BRANDSTRUP, LÉO-PAUL DANA, DANIELLA RYDING, GIANPAOLO VIGNALI, MYRIAM CARATÙ. (2023) The Garment Economy: Understanding History, Developing Business Models, and Leveraging Digital Technologies ISBN: 978-3-031-33301-9, pp- 1-626. Book series “Springer Texts in Business and Economics - ISSN 2192-4333ISSN 2192-4341 (electronic)” Springer Nature Switzerland AG, ISBN 978-3-031-33301-9ISBN 978-3-031-33302-6 (eBook)
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8 2023 Articolo in rivista
CARATU’ M, RYDING D, LI E, VIGNALI G (2023) Exploring the role and significance of consumer relationship quality and participation within online fashion brand communities’ ISBN: ISSN: 1470-6075,, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER AND COMMERCIALISATION, Vol. 20, No. 1, 2023
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9 2023 Abstract in Atti di convegno
MYRIAM CARATÙ, PATRIZIA CHERUBINO, STEFANO MENICOCCI, ANA C. MARTINEZ-LEVY, (2023) Does sustainable communication have an impact on international social media audiences?: A neuromarketing explorative study between Finland and Italy ISBN: 978 88 943918 8 6, Conference Proceedings of the XIX SIMktg Conference, 2022: "Next Generation Marketing. Place, People, Planet: cooperation & shared value for a new era of critical marketing". University of Salerno,, 20-21 october 2022
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10 2023 Articolo in rivista
CARATÙ, M., BRESCIA, V., PIGLIAUTILE, I., BIANCONE, P. (2023) Assessing Energy Communities’ Awareness on Social Media with a Content and Sentiment Analysis, Sustainability 2023, 15, 6976. DOI:
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11 2023 Contributo in atti di convegno
CARATÙ M., PIGLIAUTILE I., (2023) Transformative Service Research and impact of indoor environmental quality on workers’ productivity: potentialities of neuroscience in its assessment., E3S Web of Conferences 396, 01110 (2023) IAQVEC2023
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12 2023 Monografia o trattato scientifico
CARATÙ, MYRIAM, CHERUBINO, PATRIZIA, (2023) Neuromarketing, Società e Tutela del Consumatore ISBN: Cartaceo: 979-12-218-0821-6; PDF: 979-12-218-0822-3, Aracne Editore, COLLANA DI STUDI DI MANAGEMENT. ECONOMIA E DIRITTO DELLE MPRESE. Pp 1-148
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13 2023 Articolo in rivista
IACOVACCI, C., CARATÙ, M., ADDAMO,G., GRASSO, V. , (2023) Analyzing the Impact of COVID-19 on Business Performance through the Case-Study of a Green Italian Start-Up, Sustainability 15, no. 17: 12949.
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14 2023 Articolo in rivista
CARATÙ, MYRIAM, CHERUBINO, PATRIZIA, MENICOCCI, STEFANO, MARTINEZ-LEVY, ANA C., (2023) Does sustainable communication have an impact on international social media audiences?: A neuromarketing explorative study between Finland and Italy, Italian Journal of Marketing, vol. 2023, issue 4
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15 2023 Contributo in atti di convegno
MYRIAM CARATÙ, PATRIZIA CHERUBINO, ANNA CARLA NAZZARO, (2023) Implicazioni Etiche e legali del Neuromarketing: Privacy, Profilazione e Consenso. ISBN: 978-88-947829-0-5, Atti di convegno della XX Conferenza della Società Italiana Marketing: "Marketing per il benessere, la salute e la cura." XX^ SIM Conference (Firenze, 20-21 ottobre 2023)
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16 2022 Contributo in atti di convegno
CARATU’ MYRIAM (2022) Application of Crowd Sensing for Sustainable Management of Smart Cities, Ed. Springer Nature Switzerland AG (Cham) , in Calabrò (ed.), New Metropolitan Perspectives. NMP 2022, vol. 482, p. 2800-2809, ISBN: 978-3-031-06824-9, doi:
17 2022 Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio)
CARATU’ MYRIAM (2022) AI, neuro-retail and employees’ comfort: joint technologies of Transformative Service Research, Ed. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 , in Martínez-López (ed.), Advances in National Brand and Private Label Marketing. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics, p. 134-141, ISBN: 978-3-031-06580-4, doi:
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18 2022 Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio)
CARATU’ MYRIAM (2022) SOCIAL MARKETING, NUDGING POLICIES AND CONSUMERISM: ADVANCEMENTS THROUGH TECHNOLOGIES FROM NEUROSCIENCE, Ed. Palgrave MacMillan , in Alkis Thrassou; Demetris Vrontis; Leonidas Efthymiou (ed.), Business Advancement through Technology, vol. I, p. 219-240, ISBN: 978-3-031-07768-5, doi:
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19 2022 Contributo in atti di convegno
CARATÙ, M., BLAHO, J., (2022) “A retrospective (2011-2018) of the I-Corps Entrepreneurship Education program and of the New York City Regional Innovation Node” ISBN: ISSN 2466-7498 and ISBN 978-2-9602195-4-8, EURAM Conference 2022 e-proceedings, “Leading Digital Transformation”; Winthertur/Zurich, Switzerland, 15-17 June 2022. ISSN 2466-7498 and ISBN 978-2-9602195-4-8
20 2022 Articolo in rivista
CARATU’ MYRIAM (2022) Eco Fashion Brands and Consumption: Is the Attitude- Behaviour Gap Narrowing for the Millennial Generation?, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BUSINESS AND GLOBALISATION, vol. 30, p. 131-154, ISSN: 1753-3635, doi: 10.1504/IJBG.2021.10036179
21 2022 Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio)
CARATU’ MYRIAM (2022) Metaverso e Horizon: Mixed Reality e rebranding di Facebook in Meta, Ed. Rubbettino editore , in Istituto Eurispes (ed.), 34mo Rapporto Italia, vol. 34, p. 891-903, ISBN: 978-88-498-7281-1
22 2022 Articolo in rivista
CARATU’ MYRIAM , PIGLIAUTILE ILARIA (2022) Smart-sensing technologies for the assessment of the environment: a tool for improving health and sustainable management of urban areas - Monitoraggio della qualità ambientale: potenzialità per l’e-health e il management delle smart cities: Monitoraggio della qualità ambientale: potenzialità perl’e-health e il management delle smart cities, LABOREST, vol. 24, p. 28-34, ISSN: 2421-3187, doi: 10.19254/LaborEst.24.0
23 2022 Contributo in atti di convegno
CARATU', MYRIAM, BLAHO, JOHN, SFODERA, FABIOLA (2022) A network- based view of the University Technology Transfer: boosting the go-to-market of innovation with the NSF I-Corps., In Atti XV SIM CONFERENCE, BARI 18-19 Ottobre 2018 -, p. 1-41, ISBN: 978-88-943918-2-4
24 2021 Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio)
CARATU’ MYRIAM (2021) Gli effetti del lockdown sul retail e sulla GDO ISBN: 9788849868180, 33° Rapporto Italia 2021. Percorsi di ricerca nella società italiana. Rubbettino Editore, pp.449-458
25 2021 Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio)
CARATU’ MYRIAM (2021) La scuola va in digitale: didattica a distanza, nuove tecnologie e metodologie ISBN: 9788849868180, 33° Rapporto Italia 2021. Percorsi di ricerca nella società italiana. Rubbettino Editore, pp. 599-617
26 2021 Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio)
CARATU’ MYRIAM (2021) Smart City, e-Health e ambiente ISBN: 9788849868180, 33° Rapporto Italia 2021. Percorsi di ricerca nella società italiana. Rubbettino Editore, pp. 815-827
27 2020 Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio)
CARATÙ MYRIAM (2020) Intelligenze artificiali ed emotive: conoscenza, informazione e scienza, Ed. Minerva Edizioni (BOLOGNA) 32mo Rapporto Italia, vol. 32, p. 437-451, ISBN: 978-88-3324-262-0
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28 2020 Monografia o trattato scientifico
CARATÙ MYRIAM, SCOZZESE GIANCARLO (2020) Brand Entertainment: A comparative study between England and Italy ISBN: 978-88-255-3262-3, Ed. Aracne Editrice (ROMA) , doi:
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29 2020 Articolo in rivista
CARATÙ MYRIAM (2020) Can social neuromarketing be useful to public policy, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF VOLUNTEERING AND COMMUNITY-BASED PROJECTS, vol. 1, p. 39-56, ISSN: 2724-0592
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30 2020 Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio)
CARATÙ MYRIAM (2020) Managing consumer centricity, Ed. Routledge-Giappichelli Studies in Business and Management , in ANNARITA SORRENTINO (ed.), Defining, Measuring and Managing Consumer Experiences, p. 51-67, ISBN: 978-88-921-3197-2
31 2019 Articolo in rivista
VALERIO BRESCIA, MYRIAM CARATÙ, GIACOMO SCAIOLI (2019) A Community-Based Social Marketing Strategy to Prevent HIV and Fight Stigma, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT, vol. 14, p. 196-213, ISSN: 1833-3850, doi: 10.5539/ijbm.v14n10p196
32 2019 Abstract in Atti di convegno
MYRIAM CARATÙ, ANNARITA SORRENTINO (2019) Public Policy, Sociology and Neuromarketing: From Addressing the Consumer Behaviour to Addressing the Social Behaviour, Ed. Athens Institute for Education and Research. (Atene) Abstract Book 13th Annual International Conference on Sociology 6-9 May 2019, Athens, Greece, p. 68-69, ISBN: 978-960-598-244-7
33 2019 Abstract in Atti di convegno
ANNARITA SORRENTINO, MYRIAM CARATÙ, (2019) Public Policy, Sociology and Neuromarketing:, Ed. Athens Institute for Education and Research (Atene) Abstract Book 13th Annual International Conference on Sociology 6-9 May 2019, Athens, Greece, p. 68-69, ISBN: 978-960-598-244-7
34 2019 Articolo in rivista
CHERUBINO P., MARTINEZ-LEVY A. C., CARATU M., CARTOCCI G., DI FLUMERI G., MODICA E., ROSSI D., MANCINI M., TRETTEL A. (2019) Consumer behaviour through the eyes of neurophysiological measures: state-of-the-art and future trends, COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND NEUROSCIENCE, vol. 2019, p. 1-41, ISSN: 1687-5265, doi: 10.1155/2019/1976847
35 2019 Contributo in atti di convegno
MYRIAM CARATÙ (2019) Monitorare l’efficacia degli annunci online con il neuromarketing, Atti della XVI SIM Conference “Marketing 4.0 le sfide della multicanalità” (Piacenza, 24 – 25/10/2019)., p. 1-5, ISBN: 978-88-943918-3-1, 24-15/10/2019
36 2019 Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio)
MYRIAM CARATÙ, (2019) Discovering Small Insights through Neuromarketing: in Sorrentino, A. (2019) "Managing Consumer Experiences", p. 31-46, ISBN: 978-88-921-8494-7, Ed. Routledge-Giappichelli Studies in Business and Management
37 2019 Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio)
MYRIAM CARATU (2019) L’industria creativa dell’audiovisivo sul digitale, Ed. minerva 31mo Rapporto Italia, p. 295-314, ISBN: 978-8833241395
38 2019 Altro
MYRIAM CARATÙ (2019) Tesi dottorale: "Public policy, social marketing and neuromarketing: from addressing the consumer behaviour to addressing the social behaviour. A study on the assessment of Public Service Announcements’ efficacy by neuro-metric indexes and techniques"
39 2018 Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio)
MYRIAM CARATÙ (2018) Il fenomeno del Food Delivery, Ed. minerva Rapporto Italia 2018, vol. 30, p. 935-947, ISBN: 978-8833240107
40 2018 Contributo in atti di convegno
MYRIAM CARATÙ, PATRIZIA CHERUBINO, ALBERTO MATTIACCI (2018) Application of Neuro-Marketing techniques to the wine tasting experience, Ed. EuroMed Press Conference Readings/ Books of Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business, "Research Advancements in National and Global Business Theory and Practice", p. 290-298, ISBN: 978-9963-711-67-3
41 2017 Articolo in rivista
CARTOCCI GIULIA, CARATU’ MYRIAM, MODICA ENRICA, MAGLIONE ANTON GIULIO, ROSSI DARIO, CHERUBINO PATRIZIA, BABILONI FABIO (2017) Electroencephalographic, Heart Rate, and Galvanic Skin Response Assessment for an Advertising Perception Study: Application to Antismoking Public Service Announcements, JOURNAL OF VISUALIZED EXPERIMENTS, ISSN: 1940-087X, doi: 10.3791/55872
42 2017 Traduzione in volume
CARATU’ MYRIAM (2017) Il processo di ricerca-azione e il matrix marketing, in Mattiacci, A.; Ceccotti, F.; (ed.), Non c’è più il marketing di una volta. Scritti in memoria di Gennaro Cuomo, p. 297-325, ISBN: 9788813362201. Ed. CEDAM ()
43 2017 Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio)
CHERUBINO PATRIZIA, CARATU’ MYRIAM, MODICA ENRICA, ROSSI DARIO, ARIANNA TRETTEL, MAGLIONE ANTON GIULIO, ROBERTO DELLA CASA, MICHELE DALL’OLIO, RAFFAELLA QUADRETTI, BABILONI FABIO (2017) Assessing cerebral and emotional activity during the purchase of fruit and vegetable products in the supermarkets, Ed. Springer Verlag Neuroeconomic and Behavioral Aspects of Decision Making, p. 293-307
44 2017 Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio)
CARATU’ MYRIAM (2017) Il Forum con le imprese, Ed. FRANCO ANGELI (Roma) Casi di marketing (vol.13), vol. 13, p. 163-169, ISBN: 9788891753175
45 2017 Contributo in atti di convegno
CARATÙ MYRIAM, FABIOLA SFODERA (2017) Can Brand entertainment strengthen a brand?, Ed. EuroMed Press Books of Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business, p. 280-294, ISBN: 978-9963-711-56-7, 13-15 Settembre
46 2017 Poster
MYRIAM CARATU, ALBERTO MATTIACCI (2017) Brand entertainment and its influence on brand equity: a comparative study between UK and Italy, Ed. N/A N/A
47 2017 Abstract in Atti di convegno
ALBERTO MATTIACCI, MYRIAM CARATÙ, CHIARA FISICHELLA (2017) VERNACCIA DI SAN GIMIGNANO: A BUSINESS-CASE ANALYSIS TO RE-POSITION AN ITALIAN ORIGIN LABELLED WHITE WINE, Ed. EuroMed Press Books of Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business, p. 2150-2152, ISBN: 978-9963-711-56-7, 13-15 settembre 2017
48 2016 Articolo in rivista
DI FLUMERI GIANLUCA, CARATU’ MYRIAM, MAGLIONE ANTON GIULIO, MATTIACCI ALBERTO, BABILONI FABIO (2016) Assessing olfactory perception in young persons. A neuroscience perspective, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOELECTROMAGNETISM, vol. 18, p. 67-73, ISSN: 1456-7865
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49 2016 Contributo in atti di convegno
DANIELLA RYDING, CARATU’ MYRIAM, MATTIACCI ALBERTO, QIAN QI JIANG (2016) Eco-fashion’s impact on young consumers’ attitudes and perceptions of the fast-fashion brands, Ed. Access Press "13th International CIRCLE conference - Book of Abstracts" A cura di Enrico Bonetti e Daniella Ryding, p. 49-49, 30 marzo - 1 aprile 2016
50 2016 Articolo in rivista
RYDING DANIELLA, VIGNALI GIANPAOLO, CARATU’ MYRIAM, WANG YEN YIN, CAREY ROBIN (2016) 21st century luxury fashion retailers’ marketing strategies for customer satisfaction: UK perspective, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BUSINESS AND GLOBALISATION, vol. 16, p. 79-103, ISSN: 1753-3627, doi:
51 2016 Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio)
CARATU’ MYRIAM (2016) Schede di Lettura in Appendice, Ed. Fausto Lupetti editore A. Mattiacci e S. Romagnoli, ‘Re- Branding – L’avventura di TIM’, Fausto Lupetti Editore 2016, p. 140-188, ISBN: 886874130X
52 2016 Contributo in atti di convegno
SFODERA FABIOLA, NOSI COSTANZA, MATTIACCI ALBERTO, CARATU’ MYRIAM (2016) Il turismo religioso tra postmodernismo e autenticità: verso una nuova tassonomia, VIII Riunione Scientifica SISTUR, 17-18/11/2016
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